Payment Methods (Loan and Credit Card)
For payments in Hong Kong
Visit any PrimeCredit Branch to pay in cash or cheque
For payments in Peso in the Philippines
Please deposit directly to our bank account with Banco De Oro (BDO).
- Fill up the “Cash Transaction Slip” with your Name & credit card number or loan account number at “Subscriber field”
- Put PrimeCredit Limited at “Company field”
- 191 at “Institution code”.
(Provision of copy of BDO receipt is not required if using this method).
For payments in other countries and regions
- Repay using primepay after logging in to Prime Gems Mobile App; or
- Send through your local remittance agent to our account with Banco De Oro (BDO) in Manila, Philippines at:
- Bank Name: Banco De Oro (BDO)
- Company Name: PrimeCredit Limited
- Account Number: 066-111-3140
- Senders Name: Please write the Name of Customer
- Account number: Please write the loan account number or credit card number of the Customer.
(Please provide copy of receipt by fax to +852 2864 6538 or email to [email protected])